Periodic table collections from our customers

Do our job means also to help our client create, develop, design its own Periodic Table Collection in amazing display! Here are some of the projects we have helped to born and raise until they were completely ultimate.

Thanks to Marco Cardin, one of our best Italian customer and friend for this amazing collage of his entire collection! Over the 70% of the showed elements come from Nova Elements! 

elements collection, collect the elements, the elements of the periodic table portrait, images of the elements, images of the periodic table, real periodic table of elements

This amazing periodic table installation, made with our elements, is exposed in the "Instituto de Educación Secundaria (IES) Luces (Colunga. Asturias. Spain).

Many thanks to Roger from Dortmund to being one of our loyal customers and share with us his unusual and amazing periodic table collection, every elements comes from us. Thank you Roger! 

periodic table of elements set, set of the elements, chemistry set, fun chemistry set, set of the periodic table elements.
collection by Roger from Dortmund

periodic table of elements set, set of the elements, chemistry set, fun chemistry set, set of the periodic table elements.

Thanks to Dylan from Switzerland, to share with us his complete periodic table collection made of our amazing periodic table elements and vials. 

Many thanks to Mr. Lumiers to share with us his beautiful periodic table elements display, completely realized in wood. His elements collection contains our elements at all, and it is nearly complete. 

periodic table of elements set, set of the elements, chemistry set, fun chemistry set, set of the periodic table elements.
collection by Mr. Lumiers from Nethersland

Many thanks to Mr.Meaney to being our client many time ago, and let us to show his private periodic table of elements collection and his installation, the 70% of his elements comes from us!

periodic table of elements display, periodic table of elements installation, set of the elements, chemistry set, fun chemistry set, set of the periodic table elements.
collection by Mr. Meaney from England
our beautiful bismuth metal sample