Li 3 Lithium

oxide free lithium metal sample for element collection, lithium metal, lithium metal for collection, lithium metal for laboratory, lithium and water, lithium reaction with water.

Lithium metal is a silvery-shiny material and it is the lightest of all metals, with only half the weight of water. Like many other elements, lithium metal reacts with air, but opposite to most of those hardly with oxygen, but preferably with nitrogen. Thereby Lithium metal quickly forms lithium nitride, Li3N, which makes a dark layer on the otherwise light silver surface. Lithium metal reacts with water producing Hydrogen gas, for that reason any contacts with water must  be avoided! 

Lithium metal is often used in disposable and rechargeable batteries, while lithium salts are used in medicine as treatment for mental disorders. 

In the right picture a oxide free Lithium metal sample is showed

Lithium metal 1 gram 99.95%

High Purity Lithium metal sample of 1 gram, shiny silvery pieces in labeled glass vial under mineral oil. Pure and Safe Lithium metal for element collection and laboratory. The mineral oil prevents, but it doesn't stops entirely, the oxidization of Lithium metal inside.

Lithium metal 1g

12,90 €

  • Available
  • Ships within 1-3 days1

Lithium metal oxide free argon sealed weight 0.2-0.5 grams

High Purity Lithium Metal shiny sample under argon sealed ampoule and vial. Pure and safe oxide free Lithium metal sample for element collection and laboratory use.

Lithium argon piece in vial
49,90 € 2

39,90 €

  • Available
  • Ships within 1-3 days1

Lithium metal oxide free argon sealed big rod 0.6-0.8 grams in vial

High Purity Lithium Metal shiny rod sample under argon sealed in ampoule and vial. Pure and safe oxide free Lithium metal sample for element collection and laboratory use. Weight between 0.6 and 0.8 grams. 

Lithium argon rod in vial

69,90 €

  • Limited Availability
  • Ships within 1-3 days1

Lithium metal 10mm density cube, shiny oxide free argon sealed

NEW high purity Lithium metal shiny 10mm density cube, absolutely oxide free argon sealed ampoule and vial (optional, last picture). Pure and safe Lithium metal element sample for collection and display. This cube of Lithium reflects its own density with a tolerance of +/- 0.15 grams.

Lithium 10mm density cube
89,90 € 2

69,90 €

  • Limited Availability
  • Ships within 1-3 days1

Lithium stunning crystals , oxide free, argon sealed glass dome

NEW! Amazing and very unsual sample of pure 99.9% Lithium metal crystals cluster, oxide free, shiny silvery, argon sealed, in a magnificent glass dome. High Purity Lithium metal sample for collection and display. Museum Grade, absolutely unusual sample of Lithium.

Tin sample weight: >30 grams


Lithium crystals cluster glass dome

699,90 €

  • Limited Availability
  • Ships within 1-3 days1

Lithium metal shiny oxide free in 25mm acrylic cube

NEW high purity 99.9% and shiny, oxide free, Lithium Metal sample under argon sealed ampoule cast inside the new 25mm acrylic cube. Pure and safe oxide free Lithium metal sample for element collection and display.

Lithium 25mm acrylic cube

59,90 €

  • Sold Out

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