As 33 Arsenic

Arsenic metal sample for element collection, arsenic element, arsenic metal, element collection arsenic. safe arsenic sample for collection


Arsenic  metal is a metalloid element. Arsenic metal is a silvery-grey solid at normal pressure and temperature, and easily oxidize turning black. Arsenic metal was and is still used as a pharmaceutical and it was the main ingredient in the first chemotherapy. Today, Arsenic metal is mainly used in lead alloys and for special semiconductors.

Arsenic metal is very dangerous for health, that's why you can get only a sample permanently sealed in acrylic (vial or cube).


Arsenic sample acrylic casted 99.9%

High Pure Arsenic metal sample permanently sealed in acrylic, this means item is safe to store, collect and watch. Safe Arsenic sample for element collection.

arsenic permanently sealed

39,90 €

  • Limited Availability
  • Ships within 1-3 days1

Arsenic sample in 25mm acrylic cube

NEW high purity Arsenic sample, ampoule cast inside the new 25mm acrylic cube. Pure and completely safe sample of Arsenic element sample for collection and display.

arsenic 25mm acrylic cube

69,90 €

  • Sold Out

Arsenic element density cube 99.9%

Amazing Arsenic standard density cube 10x10x10mm, 99.99% pure. The sample weighs approx. 5.7 grams (with a tolerance of ± 0.1gram), which is the theoretical density of the Arsenic itself. This cube is amazing for any science classrooms, schools, universities and collectors. Pure Arsenic cube for element collection. 
The cube will be sent inside an argon sealed ampoule or covered with a special transparent film that prevents oxidization.

arsenic density cube

349,90 €

  • Limited Availability
  • Ships within 2-3 weeks1

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